We sell Five Class Passes for $65, Ten Classes for $120
We sell Five Class Passes for $65, Ten Classes for $120
I love yoga. I fell in love with it when I began taking classes as a freshman at the University of Cincinnati, and since then I have turnd to the practice whenever I need to center myself… which is……..all the time.
Over the past few years, I’ve been to numerous yoga classes taught by a slew of instructors. I’ve practiced yoga for strength, yin-restorative yoga, you name it. While I may not be great at every type of yoga, I thought I had tried it all. Well, surprise, surprise - I was very wrong. I recently attended class at TriYoga with LQ (Laure Quinlivan) in Over the Rhine where I learned about the practice of TriYoga… and I think it’s safe to say I’ve found a whole new appreciation of the practice..
When I came across TriYoga with LQ, I’ll admit that I thought “TriYoga” was just a catchy name for the studio! For those of you with the same level of yoga-knowledge as me, TriYoga is actually a specific type of yoga involving very intentional breaths and movements. As the studio’s website more eloquently describes, “TriYoga is a flowing practice that unites dynamic and sustained postures, breath, and focus to create greater flow of energy.”
Throughout the class, I felt each of these things. Not only were movements intentional, poses flowed into one another more seamlessly than in other forms of practice. I quickly felt grounded in this quiet studio oasis in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Over the Rhine. When I stepped off the street and into the studio, I felt an immediate shift in energy. Trust me, it’s exactly what I needed after a day of work, and I know I’m not the only one who needs to decompress after a long day.
The studio space is warm and inviting. The beautiful hardwood floors and high ceilings are characteristic of the quaint, historical neighborhood. Instead of mirrors, the walls are filled with local artist’s work which is displayed on a rotating basis. While there is ample space, the setting feels very intimate, and Laure Quinlivan’s kindness makes the space all the more inviting.
Laure began our class by asking each of us about our experience and familiarity with yoga, and throughout the class, she gently adjusted our poses and made suggestions for more comfortable and productive practice. I was one of three students on this night, and I really enjoyed how personalized the practice became.
Laure is clearly well versed and experienced in her yoga practice, and while speaking with her, I learned that her background is quite diverse. If you’re thinking her name sounds familiar, that might be because Laure spent four years serving as a Cincinnati City Council member, and thirteen years leading Channel 9’s I-team.
Laure’s yoga journey actually began after graduating from Miami University and moving to Manhattan. She turned on PBS one day to find Lilias Folan, “The First Lady of Yoga,” teaching a class, and she never turned back. From there, Laure made sure that yoga became an integral part of her busy life, and no matter what city she lived in, she searched for classes to grow in her own practice.
When Laure moved to Cincinnati in 1995, she found an instructor teaching TriYoga, and she quickly became a devoted follower. Motivated to become a substitute instructor when her own teacher was out, Laure made the decision to obtain her teaching certification. In April of 2018, Laure decided to open her own studio in Over the Rhine in the very space that had served as her campaign headquarters when running for city councilwoman.
She wanted to create a space where first-timers could feel comfortable coming to practice, and where instructors could come and utilize the space to teach classes in their own style. Laure is all about fostering the entrepreneurial spirit, and opening a space for new students and new teachers just seemed like the right thing to do.
TriYoga with LQ offers a variety of classes and services, including private lessons, massage therapy, and even yoga classes for kids upon request. They’ll also add class times for you upon request; talk about accommodating!
AND, on Sundays at 10:30, Laure hosts Sunday Yoga and Mimosas for just $10… did I say she’s a woman after our own hearts? Check out the class descriptions and massage services here. If you are a certified yoga instructor looking for a space to teach, you can find studio contact information here.